An elegant combination of tactile buttons and a digital display. The aluminum casing and optically bonded display give the control panel a high-end look that complement the interior of your boat or yacht.
The slightly raised and rounded buttons provide a comfortable feel when touched.
The front can be flush with the surface or only 5 mm above it.
Also the 12V distribution unit is one of a kind
It’s sleek, compact and has a low profile.
It features an ultra durable circuit board with protective coating.
Sleek aluminum casing protects the circuit board and provides efficient passive cooling.
For easy access and extra protection for relays and fuses, we added removable covers that require no tools to open.
Customize the printed labels next to the buttons.
Make your control panel unique and let it serve your needs and habits.
Partnership with HanseYachts AG
We are honored that our Nereide 2 complements the yacht’s interior of one of the world’s largest manufacturers of sailing yachts, HanseYachts AG.
This leading German yacht company owns 6 innovative brands, you can find the Nereide 2 at Hanse, Dehler and Fjord.
Ultra low power consumption
The distribution unit uses only 10 mA, while the panel consumes 30 mA when switched off with the logger active.
Nereide 2 can be placed between the main battery and the main switch. The beauty of this is that it won’t drain your battery if you don’t sail for a while. Even in this low power mode, the system offers comprehensive remote monitoring and management functions.
NMEA 2000 compatible system
Switchyourappliancesdirectlyfromtheplotter. Nereide 2 digital switching system is compatiblewiththe NMEA protocol to easethecontrolofyouryacht.
PICO battery monitoring system built-in
The Nereide 2 offers everything the Pico monitoring system delivers: Battery, tank and temperature monitoring as well as air pressure measurement.
DC unit with 31 manually over-rideable output channels
Let’s take a closer look at the DC power distribution unit. It features 30 outputs with a current rating of up to 20 A and 1 output with a current rating of up to 30 A. All-together, the unit is rated for a maximum combined/ maximum input current of 200 A. To protect your consumers standard automotive mini-fuses are used and are easily replacepable.
Any kind of error, for example blown fuse, stuck relay or lack of supply voltage will be indicated on the corresponding button on the control panel.
Control panel also features
Tank and voltage module (8 resistance and 7 voltage inputs)
Error indication with red color around the respective button
Physical buttons can be configured as a momentary push button or toggle switch.
Compatibility with all SiCom modules
Optional integration of remote switch and bilge pump expansion unit.
Navigational lights display
Front mountinstallation
Automatic illumination
AC distribution unit with motorized or standard minuature circuit breakers (MCB) and RCBO switch
Distribute AC power safely with one of the two power distribution units. The only difference between them is whether a circuit breakers can be disconnected and reconnected electrically (SAC23R-RCBO) or manually (SAC23M-RCBO).
Each unit has 2 selectable inputs for power sources (shore, inverter, or generator) and 3 output channels with overcurrent protection by miniature circuit breakers (MCBs).
But not only that, the units also have an integrated RCBO (residual current circuit breaker with overcurrent protection) that provides protection in the event of a short circuit or overload. It also protects the vessel’s occupants from electric shock.
SAC23R-RCBO has motorized RCBO and MCBs, which enables remote switching of circuit breakers, even if the circuit breaker trips.
Both inputs are rated for 32 A current, and the output current is limited to 20 A per channel. Each channel is monitored and is capable of detecting a circuit breaker trip or voltage deficiency. The error is signaled to the control panel and is indicated by changing the corresponding button’s background color (from blue to red).
For measuring current consumption, there is also an integrated shunt resistor. The units also measure input voltage.
They have an output for daisy-chaining additional AC distribution units.
Wiring and installation made easy
Foryou to installtheunitquicklyandeasilywechosewiring via standard WAGO®connectors. DC unitandthecontrol panel are connectedovera singleSiCANcable. The Nereide 2 control panel is separate fromthepowerunit. Thismakes it eveneasier to install.
With care for the Earth in mind
Aluminium & Glass.
That’s all you’ll see when looking at the control panel.
Featured in
Ex-Formula 1 driver Ralf Schumacher and the premium Slovenian campervan manufacturer Robeta have designed a new and limited-edition luxury campervan – the Schumacher edition. Which has a Nereide 2 digital switching system on board.